

Angel Your lifeless eyes
dance around my thoughts,
as your mute voice sings angel`s blessings into the
echoing silence of my heart.
I love the absolute surrender of your skin
when grazed by my loving hands.
When my head rests in your concave belly
I feel so warmed...
so soothed of the abandonment that you, yourself did not have the chance to cause this time.
My tear tracts fade when i lay them against your cold lips,
And my hate for this world humbly collapses
When i look at you now and know, that those eyes will never again look to replace me by another...
How did i, a mere stain on this world
find you...a fallen angel?
My pale pink voice,
laid upon your ears is heard,
and so silently understood.
You no longer struggle or squirm with argument, or disapproval.
You just sit...and listen.
With your heart in my hands
and my cooling revolver
I believe.
I believe in love again.

Un poema al parecer de anonimo [grande anonimo!] que pille acompañado de una foto en la web... más de alguno no va a entender lo que dice... pero bueno... se jode. Otro dia pongo algo mas decente!

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